Thursday, August 20, 2015


 PCA2015 nomination gala to be held on Saturday, August 29th, 2015 at Bliss Resort. Mark your calendars.

Excitement, nervousness, panic, hope… these are just some of the adjectives we can use right now to describe the emotions of the Stakeholders of the Entertainment Industry in Mombasa.  This comes at a time when we are less than a fortnight away to the nomination gala of a show that promises to give a whole new definition to the events' world.

It has been an eventful period for our dedicated team of staff, from July 31, 2015 when we officially closed the nomination window, as they have been working round the clock compiling your nomination entries which you sent generously, hitting a record of 213052. This ran concurrently with the day’s (Saturday, August 29th, 2015) planning of how the show will be and also working to meet your expectations. At this stage, the genius team can proudly confirm that it is done with 95% of the planning, and that remaining 5% shall have been completed by Saturday, (August 22nd, 2015). Kudos to them! Multi-tasking isn’t for the faint at heart.

In our bid to seek perfection, there are some reactions that we have been getting from people we least expected. You see, the main reason why we chose to have the general public nominate who they think fit was because we believe your fans know you better than us, and therefore it is up to them to decide whether you deserve to be the next big thing (read celeb). Also, and most importantly, we wanted the whole process to be fair to all and as transparent as possible. Therefore, common sense would dictate that anyone who desired to be nominated would have gone back to beseech their fans to return the favor by nominating them. However, this wasn’t the case with most of the established artists for they thought they would sound desperate asking to be nominated, and the aftermath, our email is flooded with the same individuals who never hustled for the nomination entries asking to be somehow fixed in the list. It is however so unfortunate to them for this show is being organized with a brilliant team of professionals, who wouldn’t do anything apart from what is right. On the time of writing, this blogger here had the nomination list before him. His comment; *grabs popcorn*

Saturday, August 29th, 2015, will be a day of weeping and gnashing of teeth for those very hardworking individuals who happen to be quite familiar with the saying ‘use what you have to get what you want.’ You know them? We do-in the broadest of terms. Ladies sending obscene photos; some with heavily painted make-ups on; others in heels higher than their morals… (I could go on, but I choose not to boast) to our members of staff, all these they do for we know they seek something in return. Woe unto you, for no amount of compliments or Oscar Awards you’ve received because of how raunchy you can get will be there to save you. If you happen to be around, find some time and join us at Bliss Resort, Nyali, just next to the SOS Villa and get to watch the drama unfold. Entrance is free by the way. Gates open at 6:00PM.

In conclusion, our esteemed fans, Pwani Celebrity Awards would like you to be well advised that the much anticipated nomination gala is just a few days away, so stay ready. Also, the nomination list has already been compiled and there’s nothing more we can do about it. No amount of money or prayers will be able to alter the list, so we advise you to keep calm and wait for the day. Or, better yet, go shopping, hit the gym, swim, drink lots of water, think happy thoughts. These activities will help you stay healthy and look good for that day. But if you find them too engaging, you can just sit back and relax, watch your nails grow as you wait for our next blog post.

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