Monday, June 22, 2015


The growing concern over the voting criterion being used in most of the Awards' Shows being held in this Coastal region is something that we cannot pretend to overlook. Potential Nominees have expressed their lack of faith in such processes in many different ways; with some even opting to pull out of the race at the early stages of nominations. This has been the case with our show for the past two years.

As we had promised earlier, things will be done differently this year and it is our intention to stick to our word. Ashantyz Promotions and Catering Services, the company that has over the years been known to be the organizers of Pwani Celebrity Awards wishes to present you some of the measures we have taken to ensure that everything runs fairly:

  1. Ashantyz Promotions would like to inform you that we have partnered with Entreprenuer Online, an IT company for this year's show. The role of Entrepreneur Online, which also deals with Cyber Security, is to handle all things tech. These are the guys in charge of the nomination process, and they will be the team to come up with a voting system which they think is most suitable.
  2.  On behalf of Ashantyz Promotions, not even the C.E.O is to be aware of how far the nominations have gone, who has been nominated and who has been left out. This is to assure you that there will be no cases of some nominees being favoured due to some existing ties as some of you had expressed fears of earlier.
  3. Entrepreneur Online is a government-funded company consisting of highly trained personnel who double up as white-hat hackers. The team is famed for having prevented various hack attempts on some valuable Government intel. Pwani Celebrity Awards 2015 plans to take advantage of their infinite wisdom for Cyber Security. This being said, we wish to inform you of our hope that in this year's voting process will be hack-free.
You may have been keen enough to notice that the above points only focus on the nomination process, voting and cyber security. However, a lot more adjustments, which we shall be letting you know of with time, have been made to ensure the success of the much anticipated Pwani Celebrity Awards 2015.

Stay tuned.

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